Tuesday, June 12, 2018

3 Main Home Essentials for Good Fortune and Prosperity

The 3 most important living space in a home are the Main Door, Master Bedroom and the Kitchen Stove. When the relationship between these areas are supportive to each other, it can be qualified as an auspicious house from the internal Feng Shui perspective, and this can be assessed by Yang House 3 Essentials (阳宅三要) Feng Shui principle.

"An Auspicious House is about good relationships among the Main Door, Master Bedroom and Kitchen Stove."

There is a Chinese saying in this classic: “门,主,灶互旺为吉宅”.
This can be literally translated as:
"When the Main Door, Main Bedroom and Kitchen Stove of the House are supportive among each other, then it can be ascertained as an auspicious house."
The main essentials of a house is the Main Door, Main Bedroom and Kitchen Stove

What’s the importance of the 3 Essentials?
These essentials are generally linked to the life endeavors of the occupants.

The Main Door refers to the main entrance or the “mouth” of your home, and it denotes the Wealth prospects, while the Main Bedroom is about interpersonal relationships and the Kitchen Stove on the health and well being of the occupants.

Using a typical 4-Rm unit as an illustration, this home has it Main Door in the South, Main Bedroom in the North and Kitchen Stove in the Southeast, is a Yan-Nian House (延年宅) and one of the most auspicious home blessed with good fortune, prosperity and longevity.

门坎主配巽灶: 阴阳正配富
Typical floor layout of a 4-Rm unit in the recent BTO sales launch in Feb 2018

Using a typical 4-Rm unit as an illustration, this home has it Main Door in the Northeast, Main Bedroom in the Southwest and Kitchen Stove in the East, is a Sheng-Qi House (生气宅) and a relatively auspicious home blessed with good fortune, prosperity especially in real estate, but may be prone to legal crisis and gossips. The well-being of the occupants must also be watchful based on this formation.  

坤主配震灶: 山地田
Typical floor layout of a 4-Rm unit in the recent BTO sales launch in May 2018

We all want a good story for our home, and if this is also what you want then you may consider seeking professional Feng Shui advice to own your choice home right at the first time, and begin your new life journey with your loved ones. Click here for more details.

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