Feng Shui Consultation

Do you know that every house has a story? In Chinese Metaphysics, Feng Shui and Face Reading is classified under Physiognomy, part of Chinese Five Arts (五术). Like in Face Reading, the house that you are staying may also provide some tell-tale sign of the resident’s endeavors and bad patches that you and family members might be encountering currently or ahead? Issues could be relating to a personal or interpersonal relationship, career hindrance, health problem or wealth matters

Some may question if this is superstitious or magical, but some if not all of these happenings could also be explained by the Science of Chinese Metaphysics.

Ultimately, the main objective is to assist the homeowners to have a better living space and be more aware to reduce any bad influence that may be caused by their living environment.

Click here for more details.

Contacting Me
If you are interested in any of the Consultation Services, you can reach me for more information here.

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