Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Is your House facing the 3 Killings?

From Massive Construction Site to Minor Home Renovation and even as small as knocking a nail to the wall for hanging a picture frame, these could activate the 3 Killings.
3 Killings or 三煞 is an environmental violation in Feng Shui context. Once violated, this affliction can bring about accidents, injuries, illness, wealth loss, etc. If your home is west facing, have done some renovations to your home or your main door is in the west and are encountering or have encountered the above mentioned endeavors, then you could have activated the 3 Killings this year.
Homes overlooking massive construction sites that could have violated the 3 Killings 
In 2016, the 3 Killings resides in the South. If your property whether residential home or commercial office or retail, is South facing, or your main door is in this sector, or there are major constructions in the vicinity, or there is a building edge pointing at your property or even minor renovations by you or your neighbours, then you should be more careful as you might violate the 3 Killings. There is a saying: 三煞所临之方宜静不宜动. Hence, you should keep this sector as “quiet” as possible.
In 2016, the 3 Killings (三煞) resides in the South

For those existing and new Home Owners who are considering renovating their homes, especially if their homes are South facing, then you should need to be more careful in selecting an auspicious good date. This also applies to Business Owners who are intending to renovate their offices.
Residential developments with North-South facing units
Important to Note:
Should you have activated the 3 Killings unintentionally or indirectly by your neighbour next door, unless you seek professional Feng Shui advice to better manage this environmental violation, else you will have to bear with it for the entire year. So beware.

A Feng Shui Consultation with Date Selection could be the key to better manage the 3 Killings (三煞).

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