Friday, February 19, 2016

The Double 5 effect on your Home

A Double 5-Yellow Sha in the Northeast in the Month of Feb-2016
For those who are staying in a house with the facade facing Northeast or their House's Main Door opened in the Northeast, the following should interest you.

In this month, the Northeast sector will be extremely “negative” as the annual and monthly 5 Yellow sha are residing in this sector. There is a Chinese saying: 五黄重叠灾病. This can be translated as with presence of both 5 Yellow Sha (五黄煞) being activebe prepare to encounter a series of concealed or hidden problems and agenda for the whole year. The severity of the impact could also be magnified owing to the Double 5 effectThis would affect your personal wellness and incidents encounter might be disastrous and in some cases fatalistic. 

However, the negative impact will only be activated should there be major refurbishment, renovation or drilling works in the Northeast sector or construction site can be seen outside this area. 

An example of a Massive Construction Site
Important to Note:
For those who are curious and want to try to activate the Double 5, you should beware of the after-effect consequences with this "Acid Test".

What about a Quad 5?
Besides the Annual and Month, the 5 Yellow sha will also appear in the Day and Hour. As meeting an annual 5 Yellow sha is "bad", but it could be disastrous when 3 others also meet at the same time, and this can be seen in Feb 2016. So beware.

You might consider to seek professional help from a Feng Shui practitioner for advice to negate of at least reduce the negative impact of the annual afflictions should you have already activated it unintentionally, or automatically by your neighbour renovation works or through the construction works in the neighbourhood in the Northeast. Click here for more details if you need a Feng Shui Consultation.

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