Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Dragon Baby Bonus with Feng Shui

Trying for a Dragon Baby Anyone?
This article provides an additional option for couples who are well-prepared and long looking forward for a child, especially a Dragon baby in 2012. This option engages a little help from Feng Shui principle to share the Where and the When for action with the intent to improve the success rate.

In Xuan Kong Feng Shui Classic (玄空秘旨), there is a clause: "木見火而生聰明奇士". This can be translated as “When Wood meets Fire, it produces intelligent people”. This does not means that we need to gather wood and burn it in order to produce smart children. In Feng Shui context, this can be explained as body of life energies or Qi; in this case referring to Wood Qi and Fire Qi. Wood can relate to 震卦 (Zhen Gua) and 巽卦 (Xun Gua) representing numbers 3 and 4 and they can also refer to the eldest son and the eldest daughter respectively. Fire can relate to 离卦 (Li Gua) representing number 9 and also refers to Happy Events and New Beginning. When both of these energies reside in the same sector and at the same time, then it could conform to the Classic as mentioned earlier.

Based on Xuan Kong Flying Star, one can ascertain where and when these wood and fire energies exist in which sector(s) of the house and at what time.

For those who are prepared for a child this year, then their activities are needed to be realized in the next few months in order to anticipate a newcomer to the family. In Feng Shui and with the above expectation, it would be best to engage the Flying Star principle to ascertain where these energies are residing in the house. The dynamics of the Annual, Monthly and Daily Flying Stars will best be suitable for this purpose. The combinations can be 9-3 or 9-4 which conforms to the wood-fire interactions (木火通明) either between the Annual and Monthly Stars, Annual and Daily Stars or the Monthly and Daily Stars.

If the bedrooms are located in these sectors, then all you need to do is to action; i.e. do your “usual productive activity” there. If these sectors are not where your bedrooms are located; it may be your living room or your dining area, don’t be despair, just be creative and follow the Nike’s slogan: ‘Just Do it’. I must put a disclaimer that there is no guarantee of a success as it also involves other factors, but the intent is to engage a little help from Feng Shui principle to improve the success rate. After all, there is nothing to loss for trying, but a little effort is all you need to ascertain the Flying Star Charts in these few months.

Until now, for those who are still not so sure and feel that it is a little difficult to digest so far, I have listed out a few dates and the sector(s) of the house where the couples would like to share their private times together.
These dates have the 9-3 or 9-4 combinations, which conform to the wood-fire interactions
either between the Annual and the Daily Stars or the Monthly and Daily Stars

Below are 2 illustrations on how can we make use of the details in the above table.

Illustration #1:
On the 8 Feb 2012, the Northeast sector of the house is one of the preferred areas for the couples. The South sector is the other preferred area.
An illustration of the 9-3 combination, which conforms to the wood-fire interactions
where the Annual 9 star and the Daily 3 Star meets.
An illustration of the 9-4 combination, which conforms to the wood-fire interactions
where the Monthly 9 star and the Daily 4 Star meets.

Illustration #2:
On the 2 Feb 2012, the Southwest sector of the house is the preferred area for the couples.
An illustration of the 3-9 combinations, which conforms to the wood-fire interactions
where the Monthly 3 star and the Daily 9 Star meets.

The above list shows just a few Dates and it is not exhaustive. For those who are learned in Feng Shui, you can prepare your own list with the Flying Stars. To prepare for a newborn in the 2012 Dragon year, you could still try and realise in the next few months, probably till end of April 2012 and with a little luck, in the beginning of May 2012. As the above-mentioned recommendation provides an additional option, it would only compliment and improve the success rate in whatever you are doing right now. If there is no action, then nothing helps. Do you agree?

There is a popular saying that my teacher always mention: “Don’t be influence with what you cannot do, affects what you can do”. So if the couples are prepared and long anticipating a child, but the suggested when and where are just not in favour to both of you, then don’t wait; just adopt the Nike’s slogan and do your “usual productive activity”.

For those who are interested to know more about the preferred Dates and Sectors in the next few months; i.e. February, March and April 2012, for Dragon Baby anticipation, you can email me for more details.

Good Luck and Success!

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