Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Unstoppable 3 Victories

The Keys to becoming unstoppable by tapping into your personal 3 Victories, enabling you to achieve critical success using these victories' power to the outcome you desire.

The 3 Victories comprises the 3 most vibrant positive energies under the lens of Qi Men Dun Jia. They are the Chief and 9 heaven deities, as well as the Life Door energies. 

As the name suggests, the 3 Victories would result in a powerful combination of these overlapping energies, that can give you the edge to leverage the outcome of any important activities you wish to undertake on this special energized day and set out to win. By utilizing these days, you will be able to become unstoppable in life.

3 Victory Components

The 3 Victory Palace (三胜宫) days or 3 Victory days in short are generic days that boost your energy as they can be personalized to you based on your Date of Birth. At the higher energy level, the outcome of any activity you undertake will generally be positive. Therefore, you are suggested to plan out the entire year marking these dates and schedule your important activities on these days, so that the outcome will lean towards the positive side and become favorable for you due to the enhanced energy level.

From Dec 7 till the end of the year, there are a couple of generic 3 Victory days that are supportive to everyone. So, make good use of these days, plan and leverage them for setting your personal goals for the coming year, business planning, new product or service launches, sales and marketing activities, starting a new course or learning journey, or any events winning to your favor.

The Day can further be enhanced with the Qi Men Nobility by sitting with your back against Southwest, aligning to the more vibrant energy for nobleman support.

Many are encouraged to set their Life Goals, 
but many also Fail to Realize them. 
Perhaps these Power Dates can help.

3 Victory Palace Days, aligning to Qi Men Daily Nobility direction

As the new year is just right around the corner, this is the time to plan and prepare for the right track to propel ahead and achieve them.

With the goals in mind, it will be preferred in executing your action at the right time to obtain maximum results that are favorable to you, and your 3 Victories days can be your keys to realizing them in the coming year.

The 3 Victory days have now been incorporated into the 2023 Business Planner.

For more illustrations on how you can better leverage your Personal 3 Victory days to your favorcheck this out here

In a Nutshell:
Leverage the power of the 3 Victory days to achieve critical success to the outcome you desire.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Leveraging on your Personal Nobleman for Wealth

Whatever we have or own is somehow given by others. Whether in Life or at Work, we are always interdependent on one another. Therefore, it is always good to have a helping hand or Nobleman help when needed.

For example. Employees will receive a salary income for contributing their time and effort in supporting the company's performances, while employers can meet their company goals with support from their employees.

Harnessing your Personal Nobleman day for better quality help

Using 22-Feb as an illustration, besides being your Personal Wealth day for Sales and Marketing, it is also your Nobleman Day which can further enhance the energy supporting the endeavors you desire based on your Date of Birth.

The Day can further be enhanced with Qi Men by sitting with your back against Southeast support with more vibrant energy for Wealth relating activities, perhaps launching a project, signing a business contract, etc.
A Personal Nobleman and Wealth day, aligning to Qi Men Wealth energy

For more illustrations on how you can better leverage your Personal Nobleman days to your favorcheck this out here

In a Nutshell:
22-Feb 2023 is not only your favorable day for Personal Sales & Wealth activities, but could also be blessed with helpful people luck as it is also your Nobleman Day.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Winning for Greater Success with the 3 Victory Palace

2023 can be a game-changing year for many as many global economies are opening up to an endemic phase, but also a challenging year where inflation and interest rate are hitting north.

It is always favorable to better prepare and thrive to the outcome you desire in the coming year, and leveraging on your personal 3 Victory Palace days can be your key to greater success in winning!

In the study of Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲), there are 3 powerful energies, and they are the Chief (直符), Nine Heaven (九天), and Life Door (生门). When they are residing in the same area at the same or across different times but within a specific duration, these concentrated sources of energy are used in winning warfare in ancient times and are commonly known as the 3 Victory Palace or "三胜宫" in Chinese.

In current times, the days where the 3 Victory Palace energy are strongest and when they are further personalized to your Date of birth, it can best be engaged in sales and marketing, negotiations, closing business deals, product launches, or any events that involve winning or fulfilling an outcome you desire.

Highlighting the 3 Victory Palace day in the Business Planner

Using 23-Mar as an illustration, it is a 3 Victory Palace day and also your Personal Sales & Wealth day. The day favors wealth-related activities, like signing a contract, sealing a sales deal, or any activities that involve winning that favors you. 

A 3 Victory and Wealth day, aligning to Qi Men Nobility energy

For more illustrations on how you can better leverage your personal 3 Victory Palace days for greater success in winningcheck this out here

In a Nutshell:
Plan and execute your important activities or make major decisions with your 3 Victory Palace days for greater success in Winning!

Annual Business Planner

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Befriending the Qi Men Noble

In Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲) or Qi Men for short, there is a principle known as "急则从神缓则从门". This can be translated as when there is a time constraint in selecting an auspicious day for an important activity or event, it is recommended to tap into this Qi Men nobility energy, and if time permits, then can engage the Qi Men Door energies.
Highlighting the Qi Men Nobility in the Business Planner

In Qi Men terms, the Qi Men nobility refers to the Chief (直符) which represents fame, wealth, and success, where all endeavors shall proceed smoothly. It also indicates protection, assistance, leadership, luxury, and nobleman. This auspicious energy is suitable for people seeking fame and fortune, better career opportunities, wealth creation, and accumulation.

Using 24-Mar as an illustration, the Qi Men Nobility direction indicates East. In order to align with this energy, you can sit with your back against the East to perform your activities for a more positive outcome that favors you. Activities can a negotiation, hosting an important meeting, making major decisions, etc.
A Personal Wealth day, aligning to Qi Men Nobility energy

In a Nutshell:
When there is a time constraint in selecting an auspicious day for an important activity or event, leverage the Qi Men Nobility direction for an outcome that favors you or at least avoids any adversity that could affect you.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Your Personal daily Business Planner for 2023

2023 could be a pivoting year for many as many global economies are opening up to an endemic phase. As the Water Rabbit (癸卯) year is just around the corner, many people hope to thrive for a better year ahead. 

It will be beneficial to anticipate and pave for a smoother personal journey for yourself, and one option is with the help of your 2023 Business Planner, which is personalized to your Date of Birth with the objective of better managing your daily business and life activities in the coming year.
Your Personalized Business Planner for 2023

The planner also comprises 2 important Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲) principles for Nobility and Winning known as Chief follower (急则从神) and 3 Victory Palace (三胜宫), and if well leveraging them, they can be your game-changer in the coming 2023.

If winning for greater success is what you want in the coming year, such as seeking more nobility help, and fortune, better career and wealth opportunities, fostering good Relationships, and better health, then the following steps are for you.

Steps to leverage your Personalized Business Planner more effectively: 1️⃣ Select your Personal 3 Victory Palace days (3V) for Wealth & Business related activities for greater success. 2️⃣ Leverage on the Colour-coded days except those Black ones to complement your intended activities. 3️⃣ Align yourself to the Qi Men nobility direction for important activities or events. 4️⃣ Tap to other Qi Men essential directions for specific life endeavors you desire.

If this resonates with you and interested to find out how it can better benefit and prepare you, especially in the coming year, check this out here.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The Favorable and Nemesis this November

The better sectors of the home in the month of November are the Southwest, East, and Southeast where the first 2 sectors bless more prosperity in the financial endeavors.
Annual and Monthly Flying Stars from Nov 7 - Dec 6

The Southeast sector can be a great sector for academic studies, especially this month when it is also an examination period for some students.

To accelerate the learning process, you can align to the prosperous direction of the Life Door (生门), where the energy based on Qi Men is more vibrant. Hence, you can study in the Southeast sector of your home, and sit with your back against the East direction to tap into this energy.
The Year and Month Breaker days (破日) are the unfavorable days of the month. Consider avoiding these days for making important decisions, like product launches, signing contracts, moving into a new house, or even marriage. If you are encountering bad endeavors on these days, they could be amplified further. So, beware.
For those who are curious about these unfavorable dates, they are the 12, 15, 24, and 27 of Nov.
The Nemesis in November

Your Personal Business Planner
The 2023 Business Planner is personalized based on your Date of Birth with the objective of better managing your daily business and life activities in the coming year.

If this resonates with you and interested to find out how it can better benefit you, especially in the coming year, check this out here.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Story of Central Weave @ AMK

Central Weave @ AMK
Central Weave @ AMK - a new Build-to-Order (BTO) project in the Ang Mo Kio precinct

In Feng Shui, there is a Chinese saying: 山管人丁水管财, which can be literally translated as Mountain governs People's luck, while Water governs Wealth opportunities.

These landforms play an important role in determining the Feng Shui quality of a property, especially relating to the health and wealth aspect of the residents.

Using Central Weave @ AMK as an illustration, comprising of 5 residential blocks of 896 North-South facing homes in Period 9, this development is embraced by 2 hills or rather higher grounds in its vicinity in the West and Southeast directions. The residents could be blessed with good people luck (旺人丁) relating to better health, fostering better interpersonal relationships with others, etc.

It is observed that the major road junction between Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 and 8, can serve as the major Qi mouth, and if the homes are well-aligned to this cross junction, it can benefit the residents with good fortune and abundance.

On a Negative note, it may be a concern that the homes in this development are bounded by roads on all sides, and it might cause a negative impact on the residents, perhaps relating to wealth loss or their well-being. So, beware.

Nevertheless, with the well-positioned hills or higher grounds, and connecting roads in its vicinity, there is a high chance that some of the homes could be blessed with bountiful wealth opportunities not only in the next 20 years into Period 9 but beyond, conforming to a closely-guarded wealth enhancement principle commonly known as the Five Ghost Carry Treasure, or 五鬼运财 in Chinese.

Siteplan of Central Weave @ AMK 

With a supportive environment, one can further ascertain and enhance the quality within the home for a better floor layout that can be personalized benefiting the residents, with Feng Shui principles, like the popularly known Flying stars, and 8 Mansions Feng Shui.

You can find out more about Home Selection tips here. Hope these can give you some insight into choosing your dream home. https://bit.ly/HomeSelectionVideo

Alternatively, if you are in the midst of choosing your next dream home and need a Home Selection consultation as a second opinion, perhaps I can help. Check this out here: http://bit.ly/homeselect_ac

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A Special Month of Prosperity and Disruption

This August is a special month as it can be prosperous and disruptive. The Annual and Monthly Flying Stars are having the same energy patterns from Aug 7 - Sep 8. This indicates the life energies residing within your home can be amplified, both auspicious and negative energies.

Annual and Monthly Flying Stars from Aug 7 - Sep 8

During this period, the auspicious areas of the home will be the South, Northeast, Northwest, North, and also the Southeast.

Financial Performer
The South area will be more beneficial for new financial ventures, and also a good sector to improve your interpersonal relationship with others, while the Northeast area could bless the residents with more wealth opportunities.

Career Advancer
If you are working for someone and your working space is in the Northwest, more promotion opportunities could be knocking at your door, advancing your career to the next level.

Academic Achiever
For those who are still schooling or preparing for an examination, the Southeast and North sectors will be a great area for academic pursuits, whether for your children or yourself.

Enhancer Catalyst
These activities can be further enhanced with Qi Men, where you can sit with your back against the East direction, tapping into the Life Door (生门) energies.

Example #1
If your study area is in the Southeast or North, you can spend more time in this area as it can aid concentration on learning. These activities can be further enhanced with Qi Men, where you can sit with your back against the East direction, tapping into the Life Door (生门) energies for your learning experience.

The Academic Locations

The 2nd Chance
If for any reason it is not possible to use the East direction, then you can sit with your back against the North direction, harnessing the Open Door (开门) energies as your alternative option.

Example #2
If your working area is in the Northeast or South, consider spending more time in these areas as it can attract more wealth-related opportunities, perhaps new financial ventures, and could also foster interpersonal relationship building with others. These activities can be further enhanced with Qi Men, where you can sit with your back in the North direction, tapping into the Open Door (门) energies.
The Vibrant Location for wealth-related opportunities

The Unfavorable
As mentioned earlier that both prosperous and negative energies can be amplified this month, beware of the problem sectors which are in the East, West, and Southwest, as people using these areas may be prone to more argument, discord and sickness could affect your well-being.

The Enhancer and Problem Solver
If you want to know more about your Home Story and its Potential, check this out here.

The Enhancer and Problem Solver 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Story of Bukit Merah Ridge

Bukit Merah Ridge - a new Build-to-Order (BTO) project under the prime location housing model

It is observed that more new public housing is located in relatively prime areas, like the recent May 2022 Sales Launch by HDB which comprises 5 new Build-to-Order (BTO) projects.

Using Bukit Merah Ridge which is one of the new projects, as an illustration, the 5 residential blocks, standing tall ranging from 29 to 48 storeys in height, is bounded by Bukit Merah View, Henderson Road, Tiong Bahru Road, and Lower Delta Road.

This development is also neighbour to City Vue @ Henderson where a five-room HDB flat there had just changed hands for an eye-popping $1.4 million recently, making it currently the most expensive HDB flat sold.

In Feng Shui, the external environment plays an important role in grading the quality of the home regardless of whether they are public housing, private condominium, apartment, or landed homes. Sometimes, public housing development can even surpass the expectation of privately owned homes, and one of the factors that made this possible is the locational factor.

Bukit Merah Ridge is relatively well-located with homes facing North and South, and a handful of them facing Northeast and East, overlooking some of the good landforms in its vicinity and beyond, especially those Homes on the higher floor; i.e. greenery at Telok Blangah Hill Park, Mount Faber Park, and the nearby Tiong Bahru Park at its frontage, and overlooking the city skyline towards the Orchard shopping belt from afar.

Some of the homes in this development are also well-designed with a relatively good home layout to connect to its conducive external environment, especially benefiting the residents in the next 20 years into the Period 9 era.

You can find out more Home Selection tips here. Hope these can give you some insight into choosing your dream home. https://bit.ly/HomeSelectionVideo

Alternatively, if you are in the midst of choosing your next dream home and need a Home Selection consultation as a second opinion, perhaps I can help. Check this out here: http://bit.ly/homeselect_ac

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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Do you have these Numbers for great Success and Wealth?

The Life Charts of 2 famous All-Time Favorite Artistes
The Life Charts of 2 famous All-Time Favorite Artistes

As more lights are shining on the highly anticipated Star Awards 2022 that is set to take place in the coming month of April in Singapore, many would start voting for their favorite artiste, hopefully, be awarded the next All-Time Favorite Artiste after they have won the Top 10 Most Popular Artistes for ten times.

From a check at Wikipedia on the Star Awards for All-Time Favorite Artistes to date 24 artistes had received their awards since 2004. 

Of these artistes, there are at least 40% of them have the power of 123 number combination in their life chart, and at least 60% of them have a relatively good personal Wealth code for Wealth and Property. Although you may not be a celebrity, these traits could also propel you to great Success and wealth. 

Hence, find out if you, your loved ones, or your children also have the power of 123 or a good Personal Wealth Code too.

More stories will be mentioned in my upcoming 2 Day Online Masterclass, where you will learn from the very basic to the advanced knowledge of Numbers mastery in an easy-to-learn approach with lots of illustrations.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Beware of Complacency towards Normalcy in 2022

In Chinese Metaphysics, every year there is an image representing a "general feeling" of the year would-be happenings, usually known as an Annual Hexagram.  

An image of Raining over an erupting Volcano

Last year the image is a Beautiful Sunset view overlooking the Hill or Mountain, which is represented by the Beauty (山火贲)  Hexagram, indicating a sign of respite from the difficulties that were encountered in 2020 when the unprecedented pandemic started.

In 2022, its annual hexagram is Accomplished (水火既济). This represents a completion of a successful accomplishment. The image is comprised of water over fire, like Raining over an erupting Volcano


"Be more Vigilant against Complacency towards Normalcy"

Although a sign seems under control where many are looking forward to a more stable and normal life after the past 2 years of chaotic times, it is important to take precautions, for when fortune is at its peak, signs of decline will appear.

The 2022 image also warns us against complacency not only to better take care of our well-being but also from the financial perspective. Therefore, we should be careful as we are still not out of the woods yet.

To find out how you can unleash the strength that could uplift your Life Goals, or perhaps negate or at least reduce the challenges and changes that you might face in 2022, perhaps a consult can offer you to navigate through a smoother path in the upcoming uncharted waters.

More details here: https://bit.ly/personalconsultac

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